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Callista medarbetare Erik Lupander Callista medarbetare Magnus Larsson

Blog Series - Building Microservices

// Erik LupanderMagnus Larsson

This blog series cover various aspects of building microservices using Java and Go with supporting services from Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and the ELK-stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana). The series also cover how to deploy microservices in both the cloud and on premises using application platforms and infrastructures for Docker containers, e.g. container orchestration tools.

Introduction blog post

An operations model for Microservices - An introduction blog post that motivates why supporting services from Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS are required in a microservices based system landscape.

Language specific blog posts

Java Go
Part 1: Using Netflix Eureka, Ribbon and Zuul Part 1: Introduction and rationale for Go microservices
Part 2: Trying out the circuit breaker, Netflix Hystrix Part 2: Building our first Go microservice
Part 3: Secure API’s with OAuth 2.0 Part 3: Embedding a data store and serving JSON
Part 4: Dockerize your Microservices Part 4: Unit testing HTTP services with GoConvey
Part 5: Upgrade to Spring Cloud 1.1 & Docker for Mac Part 5: Deploying on Docker Swarm
Part 6: Adding a Configuration Server Part 6: Adding health checks
Part 7: Distributed tracing with Zipkin and Spring Cloud Sleuth Part 7: Service Discovery & Load-balancing
Part 8: Centralized logging with the ELK stack Part 8: Centralized configuration using Spring Cloud config and Viper
  Part 9: Messaging with AMQP
  Part 10: Logging to a LaaS with Logrus and Docker’s log drivers
  Part 11: Circuit Breakers and resilience with Hystrix
  Part 12: Distributed tracing with Zipkin
  Part 13: Distributed persistence with CockroachDB and GORM
  Part 14: GraphQL with Go
  Part 15: Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
  Part 16: It’s 2019, time for a rewrite!

Stay tuned for more posts!

If you want to learn about new features in Docker, take a look at the blog series - Trying out new features in Docker.

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