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Callista medarbetare Magnus Larsson

The Deployment Descriptors are gone - Attribute-based J2EE development Presentation

// Magnus Larsson

Presentation från Callista Developer's Conference 2004

The complexity of J2EE with deployment descriptors and infra-structural interfaces (EJB) can sometimes be overwhelming for a development project. This complexity is usually addressed by using expensive “enterprise development tools”, or by large and complex modelling/code generation frameworks and tools.

A promising, alternative approach which has gained momentum lately is the so-called metadata attribute driven development. Efficiency and quality based on simplicity, repetitively and control are the hallmarks.

This talk will introduce the foundation of metadata attribute driven development, exemplify its usage and discuss how the technique will be introduced in the next version of both J2SE and J2EE. Examples from J2EE will be covered (based on XDoclet) and put into context as part of a development environment for both the small one person project to large-scale projects with several cooperating developers.

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