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Callista medarbetare Anders Asplund Callista medarbetare Magnus Larsson Callista medarbetare Pär Wenåker

Avoid callback hell when using non-blocking I/O Presentation

// Anders AsplundMagnus LarssonPär Wenåker

Presentation från Avoid callback hell when using non-blocking I/O

If you have developed servers applications using non-blocking I/O for scalable and resilient communication you are probably fully aware of the callback model that comes with it. In many cases the callback model results in complex source code, also known as the callback hell, that is both hard and expensive to develop and maintain.

In this presentation we will look into how reactive concepts can be used to simplify the programming model. We will start with a Java based application that use non-blocking I/O and see how, for example, complex nested callback calls can be simplified using Promises and Futures.

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