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Callista medarbetare Björn Beskow

Creating a Public Key Infrastructure for development

// Björn Beskow

Since https now being the default protocol in modern browsers rather than plain http, it is often necessary to be able to use https in local development and test environments. While many tools bundles a mechanism for automatically create self-signed server certificates for https usage, it is often necessary to be able to create a full Public Key Infrastructure for the development environment, with a Certificate Authority (CA) issuing both server certificates (used for backend servers) and client certificates (used for Mutual TLS). In this short blog post, we’ll summarize the steps required to set up a development PKI using OpenSSL.

Callista medarbetare Björn Beskow

Managing APIs using Kong Gateway Part 1: Securing an API using OIDC and OAuth 2.0

// Björn Beskow

API gateways are becoming increasingly more popular, and for good reasons. As the number of APIs within an organisation grows, the amount of “plumbing” required to expose the APIs in a secure, efficient and maintainable way quickly becomes overwhelming. An API Gateway is an architectural pattern which introduces a transparent placeholder between API clients and the APIs, where Cross Cutting Concerns such as Access Control, Monitoring, Logging, Caching and Rate Limiting can be implemented. In this blog series, we’ll be demonstrating how to use Kong, one of the leading Open Source API Gateways, to add various common capabilities to an API.

Callista medarbetare Henrik Starefors

ABCs of Ansible - A path to local IaC

// Henrik Starefors

This post is part one of a series about using Ansible to automate the setup of our local development environment. In this part, we will look at the building blocks of Ansible and write our first automation tasks.

Callista medarbetare Björn Gylling

Kafka and Go - distributed state

// Björn Gylling

How do you approach using Kafka to store your data when building a HTTP api? In this series we build an application which would traditionally be backed by a classic database, the basic ‘Create-Read-Update-Delete’ api. Instead of a traditional database we store our data in Kafka and over the series look at some of the issues with this approach and how you can solve them. If you want to read from the beginning, you can find Part 1 here.

Callista medarbetare Björn Gylling

Kafka and Go - consumer group

// Björn Gylling

How do you approach using Kafka to store your data when building a HTTP api? In this series we build an application which would traditionally be backed by a classic database, the basic ‘Create-Read-Update-Delete’ api. Instead of a traditional database we store our data in Kafka and over the series look at some of the issues with this approach and how you can solve them. If you want to read from the beginning, you can find Part 1 here.

Callista medarbetare Björn Gylling

Kafka and Go - producing messages

// Björn Gylling

How do you approach using Kafka to store your data when building a HTTP api? In this series we build an application which would traditionally be backed by a classic database, the basic ‘Create-Read-Update-Delete’ api. Instead of a traditional database we store our data in Kafka and over the series look at some of the issues with this approach and how you can solve them. If you want to read from the beginning, you can find Part 1 here.

Callista medarbetare Björn Gylling

Kafka and Go - consuming messages

// Björn Gylling

How do you approach using Kafka to store your data when building a HTTP api? In this series we build an application which would traditionally be backed by a classic database, the basic ‘Create-Read-Update-Delete’ api. Instead of a traditional database we store our data in Kafka and over the series look at some of the issues with this approach and how you can solve them.

Callista medarbetare Magnus Larsson

Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7 and Spring Native 0.12

// Magnus Larsson

It has been a year since the 2’nd edition of my book on building microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Kubernetes, and Istio was published. Since then, many new versions of the tools and frameworks used in the book have been released. In this and a few following blog posts, I will describe how to upgrade the source code in the book to use the latest versions.

Callista medarbetare Erik Lupander

Go Generics in functional style

// Erik Lupander

I recently needed to group, aggregate and filter some form data from our yearly tech radar (2021 installment, Swedish). Instead of coping with an ever-increasing amount of frustration with Google Sheets, I decided to massage the data using Go 1.18 and the lodash-inspired lo library.

Callista medarbetare Andreas Mossljung

Kafka Summit London 2022

// Andreas Mossljung

En rapport från Kafka Summit i London som avslutades i går. Äntligen gick det att träffas på riktigt efter alla online-konferenser och vi var över 1000 deltagare som samlats på hotellet i Greenwich. Pandemin verkar man nu definitivt lämnat bakom sig i England och förutom några få som bar munskydd var allt som vanligt igen.