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Callista medarbetare Magnus Larsson

Blog Series - Trying out new features in Docker

// Magnus Larsson

This is a blog series about new features in Docker that I learned from visiting the DockerCon EU conference in Copenhagen, 16-19 October 2017, and in my daily work.

In this blog series, I will focus on news in the Docker Engine and surrounding tools, i.e. not go into details on the inner workings of container orchestrators, such as Docker in Swarm mode or Kubernetes. They are worth a blog series on their own :-)

However, I will use container orchestrators to demonstrate other features in Docker. For example, demonstrate how we can use Docker in Docker to quickly and easily setup a local container cluster on our development machines without blowing away the memory…

  1. Setting up a Docker Swarm cluster using Docker in Docker

  2. Setting up a Kubernetes cluster using Docker in Docker

  3. Create multi-platform Docker images

If you want to learn about how to develop microservices in Java or Go that can be deployed as Docker containers, take a look at the blog series - Building Microservices.

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